Governance & Regulations

SaskCanola is regulated under the Agri-Food Act and monitored by the Agri-Food Council. Council members are appointed by and accountable to the Minister of Agriculture. SaskCanola is governed by the Saskatchewan Canola Development Plan Regulations (PDF).

Election Process

SaskCanola is governed by eight farmer directors who are democratically elected by levy payers to ensure the Commission’s strategic priorities are effectively executed by the Staff. Director responsibilities include five board meetings per year, plus participation on various committees and appointments to external boards. Elections for SaskCanola’s Board of Directors are held every two years in the fall (2020, 2022, 2024). Farmers who have paid canola levy within the two years prior to an election and not requested a refund are eligible to run in the election. Interested parties can either download a copy of the nomination package or call the SaskCanola office to request one and complete the requirements before the deadline. Requirements include the submission of a biography and the signatures of five registered canola producers. Directors are elected for a four year term and are eligible to run for a second term, for a total of eight years.

Annual General Meeting

Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) takes place each year in January. The AGM welcomes new directors in election years, and includes the appointment of the auditors for the upcoming year, a report on the audited financials and activities of the past year.

The AGM is a great opportunity for levy payers to ask questions or bring forward a resolution (a formal motion requesting that SaskCanola take action on a particular activity or issue). Interested in bringing a resolution forward to the AGM? Please contact the SaskCanola office.